I need to vent. I don't care what you call it...."a life change", "a diet", "watching your wait", "changing your habits". The bottom line is---IT SUCKS. Sure in the end it will pay off and it makes you feel tighter and committed to something, but why does it have to be so hard?!?!
Actually, I could probably put up with the eating better thing (due to the fact that I have developed a face full of acne b/c of Christmas sugar) but the exercise is what KILLS me. I hate it. I used to love it. Now, I dread it---and I have only been doing it consistently for a week. <Don't Judge Me> I used to be consistent but I stopped for a while.....(3 weeks-WHELP)
Angelica is doing AMAZING and so it is motivating me, but UGH. I'm just going to suck up these feelings of negativity until February 28th, at which time I will weight myself. If I stay consistent and still fail to lose AT LEAST 16 lbs. I'll be utterly disappointed.
ANYWAYS---these are the workouts I rotate with Running and eventually swimming/biking:
Miserable????? YESSSSS---THEY ARE AWFUL. I guess we will see if it is all worth it.........
LOL <3