Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Sometimes when i'm all alone I get to thinking about all sorts of things this morning I found myself thinking about honesty.  Imagine how amazing the world would be it everyone was honest with themselves and honest with each other ... Personally for me I need people to be strait up with me I don't catch on to hints, and don't beat around the bush telling me things because that really annoys the heck out of me ... I like people who are strait up and honest with every word they say because then nobody is left in the dark trying to figure out what things mean ... Honest with themselves can be very hard ... thinking honestly where will life take me if i stay on a certain track? or where will i go in life if i keep acting like or doing this? just because you like somthing so much doesn't mean it's good for you just like just because you hate it so much doesnt mean it's bad for you ,,,, Just be honest with yourself BC you will only be helping yourself in the end ...

1 comment:

  1. I love how upfront you are gel!! I am so proud of you for all your hard work!
